How do you Spell Humble?

Em: "Mommy"

Em: "Mommy"

Em: "Mommy"

Mom: "What Emily!" (in really snappy, irritated, why on earth are you bugging me Mommy voice)

Em: "Mommy, how do you spell LOVE?"

Note: In her hands are a pencil and a little slip of paper with the word Mommy already carefully written on it.....

Mom: "L - O - V - E" (in much softer, isn't she so precious, aren't I ashamed of myself voice)

Some times being a Mommy is rather humbling....



Anonymous said...

I have so BTDT! *sigh*

Hugs and kisses or just telling me that they love me... God reminds me (as do they) that children are a blessing and I don't want to waste a minute of it!