Brandon Brag & Emily Entertainment

Brandon Brag:
There has been two things I've really been struggling with with Brandon. Ok, I'm the mother of an elven year old boy I struggle with a lot more than 2 things. But we have made progress on two things that really deserve a brag or a 100 or so brags. Buckle your seat belts this might get windy....

One: We always fought Brandon's weight. It comes natural. Heaviness, love of food, and well... laziness are all in his genes. It is a bad combination that I fight myself. But it really reached a point where I was starting to get concerned and beat myself up that his weight might be spiraling out of control. We did go on the Daniel fast together and I really think both Bran and I learned some control there. Then the soccer season started. Brandon has never been sporty. In fact... we quit his first soccer league because kids on his team made fun of his lack of talent. Then our little home school group started soccer last year and his interest peaked a little. However, when we tossed around having it again this year I was really shocked when Bran was bursting that he loved to play soccer! Really a whole game based on running when you dread walking to the mail box to check the mail? Then when the teams were set up I realized that Bran would be moving up to the older group. Would he be able to keep up? You know what? Brandon is running. Brandon is really a player. I mean he is not the star of the team by far but he is actually in the game not just another body on the field. He is running, the whole game, and making plays! NO NO REALLY you don't understand my joy! This is a child that has set down on the floor while I was shopping because he said he was tired! The other night Cecil said he thinks Brandon might be slimming up a little. Lord I pray so! He is such a handsome sweet natured child. He deserves to be healthy too.

Two: This one is much shorter I promise! Just let me set a brief back drop. Branflake loves books but in the true lazy fashion that embodies the Branflake lifestyle prefers them read to him! He has read small chapter books to himself but prefers nice meaty novels. Wanting to encourage his appetite for books and because I enjoy the time with him I have read several to him. But this last Tuesday he picked a book up at the library... a good 5oo page 57 chapter novel..and he is half way through it. Pardon me while I do a lame Momma Victory dance!

Emily Entertainment:
Just a tiny funny. You know that some peeps think we home school mommas keep our little angels locked away from the evils of society. Pop culture and worldly ways never reach the ears of my pure little lady right. Well yes it does but apparently she filters it differently than others do. For instance just yesterday my little pop diva was giving an impromptued concert. Her song? If you want to be my mother your have to be my friend.... Just in case you don't know the song that comes is supposed to be if you want to be my lover you have to be my friend...tell me what you want what you really really want...
LOL Ok it was much cuter in person......


Anonymous said...

I wanted to come by and say thanks for the visit. I had no idea there were other hs moms at blogger. :)
I too have a lazy bones 11 year old. His activity of choice - World of Warcraft while sprawled in his desk chair. I can't and won't complain. He does TKD 5 nights per week and we do hike every weekend. It is always a struggle to get him moving. Agghh.
Good luck with the soccer season.