
Must be that time of year. My great cut has all grown out (and looking BAD) and I've noticed serveral others in blog land are also seeking their next great hairstyle. I've been looking around online for the last few days for my new dream hair do. I need a hairstyle with the ease that a boring housewife needs that distinctly does not look like a boring housewife-do. These all look very simular to my last do but I did really like it. The only problem I really had with it is you need to go back and have it maintenanced and I usually only make it to a salon once may twice a year......Oh, well it never hurts to dream.

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I Have To Drive 55....

OK so I got this speeding ticket and it really gets under my skin. First of all, I admit that sometimes I speed on purpose being a chronically late individual. If you are speeding "on purpose" then you have made a conscious decision to take the risks involved. However, this particular time I really didn't even realize I was speeding. I don't know why that makes a difference to me...but some how it does...

Second of all, speeding is breaking the law. I've taught my children that breaking the law is the equivalent of sinning. You obey God's law, you obey your country's law (unless it breaks God's law). So here are my sweet children sitting in the car terrified because Mommy has broken the law all the way around! LOL Poor warped little guys! Actually only my more Dudley Do-Right son was too terribly upset. Emily was pretty excited that the trooper smiled and waved at her.

Third and the thing that really sticks in my craw, getting a ticket is a truly STUPID way to throw money away. Tickets are expensive and run your insurance up. I mean I'm one of those folks who needs a tangible object to show for my money. That money could have bought any number of solid real touchable items with long term benefit items!!!! I could really rant about this. But... I guess what's done is done. I can kiss what ever nice tangible object that could of been good bye and pay my ticket.

One thing the ticket did buy is a paranoid about her speed driver. I mean I just can't just go around throwing money out the window like that! So, the next time your driving down one of those rural country roads in Texas where every one but every one always drives 5 to 10 over the speed limit (and we all know there really are stretches of road like that)and you get stuck behind some idiot going EXACTLY the speed limit...that'll be me. Please just do me a favor and extend ALL of your fingers upward when you pass me and wave .... and have pity on a greedy woman that wants "things" for her husband's hard earned cash!

Body by Emily

Forget Miss Victoria and her secrets! Keep the Plastic Surgeons away from me! I don't need you and your shape shifting ways because I have a 6 year old daughter! If you are wondering what miracle I've discovered that actually makes giving birth give you a better figure let me clarify with the following.

I believe in attachment parenting. I didn't know what I was doing had a fancy name until long after I was already doing it but sure felt smart when I realized what I was doing had a nifty title! Any way this basically means my kids are always up my hinney.;-)

I truly eat, sleep, and bathe with my daughter. (BTW I did stop bathing with my son at a much much younger age.) Obviously there are certain things that children are bound to notice sooner or later when you bathe with them. Sooo, when my dd starting noticing my breast I was very honest with her. I calmly explained they are called breast (not boobies or anything else) and that God designed them to feed babies. Needless to say the idea of mom carrying milk around on her body and babies actually being able to eat there A-M-A-Z-E-D her! We had lengthy conversations about how God created a lot of animals that feed their babies the same way, how no milk is there when there is not a baby to drink it, etc. So, FINALLY I think her curiosity has been fed and she'll move on when this happens:

We are in the bath the other day and my dd looks up and says, "Mommy I think you have milk in there." (Pointing at my breast) So, thinking... oh, great here we go again I tell her, "No, Emily. Mommy doesn't have a baby to feed. So there is no milk in there." Here is the part that is bound to make any woman feel better about her body.... "Well if they don't have any milk, how come their hanging down like that?"..trying not to let my pride get the best of me I replied, "Emily they just grow like that." So, my sweet precious daughter who has always but always been Momma's little helper says to me, "OH here Momma, I'll help!" and reaches up to push both my breast up into a... let's say... slightly higher position on my body! She then looks down at my tummy and proceeds to use one hand to push my gut in!!!!!! Then she looks at me and says, "Sorry Mommy I don't have enough hands!" OH MY LORD IN HEAVEN TAKE ME NOW!!!!! I didn't know whether to die or die laughing!!!

On top of this story this same wonderful child didn't like the realistic mii character I had made for myself on the wii. So, she made a new character for me that we all now affectionally call Skinny Mom that is simply beautiful. I'm not sure if this how she truly sees me or if that is just what she wishes I look like, but just for pride's sake I'm sticking with the former.

Aquarium Newsflash!

Oh wait just minute! In my rush to sum up the multitude of days in which I failed to post I forgot to mention one of our recent exciting aquarium happenings. I can't believe I dared to let this go by with out reporting it sooner because I know dear blog readers that this kind of juicy aquarium talk is just what your looking for when surfing for reading material! Now to the topic at hand. Seems to me every female in my tank looks pregnant at all times. Although I had never seen babies being born there has been three different times that I've found a lone survivor from a batch of fry. I had long since given up trying to watch for signs of imminent birth in order to protect newborns. So here I am refilling up my tank after a cleaning and I notice a fish that looks distressed is being harassed by all the other fish in the tank. Come to find out I apparently shocked her into labor with all my work on the tank and that the others were chasing her around eating her babies as soon as they were being born! I finally got to see baby fish being delivered! At any rate I have no idea how many she had in total. I did manage to save 13 and put them in a nursery tank. There were more but I was tired by 13. Besides 13 is a large number of fish which I will at some point have to add back to my regular tank. I would post a picture but right now they are so small that they basically look like orange rice with eye balls. I don't think I could take a picture where you could see them clearly. Ok, now take a deep breath, calm down as I know this exciting news is bound to have you all worked up, and resume your life as best you can.

Christmas and New Years

We had a great holiday season this year. Ironically it started out with Cecil having pneumonia, then it seemed like nearly everyone we knew had pneumonia or was sick in some way. However, most everyone started feeling at least slightly better by Christmas.

Mom stayed Christmas Eve night as always. A far as presents go I think this was by far one of our better years. Emily got a 4 foot tall Savanna doll house for her Barbies, Brandon got an air soft automatic rifle, Cecil got a mini battery powered generator, I got a black wool pea coat and Beyond Paradise perfume, and the family got a wii.

We took off from school in total around 4 weeks between illnesses, Christmas and New Years. If fact Monday was the first day back since Dec. 11 according to my grade book. We throughly enjoyed our time together though. We had friends over for New Years which was a nice change from me and kids staying up alone. (Cecil always poops out.) We did the whole lots of food and fireworks thing that night. Our friends left before midnight and we starting playing wii. Cecil even stayed up! Around 1:30 AM I looked at the clock and realize we had missed the new year coming in! OH well at least we know we were having fun as a family when it did.

Heather and Aaron didn't make it in until this weekend. I hope they had a good time. We had lots of snacks, good meals, game playing and fireworks. I think the highlight of the weekend was the 7 shot aerial that fell over. One in the air, one under the trampoline, one at the storage shed, two at the house( I think?), one right past me off the roof of the car just missing Bran and exploding by the roof, and one that was headed for my husband and the kids car which my SIL blocked with a kick to have it explode within about 4 feet of him. As scary as it was no one was hurt and nothing was damaged. I think the funny parts was what was said in the confusion. It was pretty quite except for the explosions. At one point you hear in this wavering voice, "Daddy" and it wasn't Heather or Emily but me. Where was my brave hero? Then Brandon who has been hit before in a similar incident goes, "Oh, snap" in a really not me again kind of voice then pops up from behind the car to shout "I'm alright!". And Heather then deciding perhaps it was time to call in her husband since Daddy wasn't playing hero called out "Aaron" but sounded like she changed her mind about the time hubby takes a kick at the aerial flying at him. We laughed for quite a while afterwards but definitely decided we were through shooting off fireworks for the night. Heather has requested that Daddy buy more fountains and fewer aerials next time.

Other than lots of laying around, tons of late nights with movies and video games and way too much junk food that is our last 4 or so weeks in a nut shell.

Fair Well to Casanova

Our beloved golden mystery snail Casanova has passed away. Our theory is that he "loved" himself to death. I looked up online to see exactly how long a snail was supposed to live any way and discovered that the more active a snail is the shorter it's life span. Needless to say it was no surprise then that Casanova had such a short but happy life. Luckily we have his many children to remember him by. Children which soon after his death began eating him. Concerned that it might upset my kids I asked them if they'd like me to take him out so they could bury him. Much to my husband's dismay they said, "Nah, lets just watch his kids eat him." I've tried to reassure my husband that we'd never ever eat him...but he still seems a little apprehensive.