I've Been Given an Award.....

My friend Lady Hawk has given me and Award! I'm very touched. I enjoy blogging, although I admit to sometimes feeling a little "less than" when I read some of my friends' informative and entertaining blogs. So, I am just happy someone enjoys the way I share a little bit of me through my humble blog.

By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to at least 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. Thank you out there for having such great blogs and being such great friends! You deserve this! Feel free to award people who have already been awarded…

Let's there are a lot of great blogs out there. Here a few of my favorites in no particular order.

Just Call Me Jamin!
Our Homeschool and Other Such Happenings
Big Momma
2nd Cup of Coffee
A Family Runs Through It
Because I Said So
This Ain't New York
Rocks In My Dryer
Simply A Musing Blog
Shoe Princess
A Happy Life

And here I was worried I wouldn't be able to come up with 10! Now, other than posting this, how do I pass this on? Garsh, I guess I have got to go and tell all these folks how great I think their blogs are, huh? Let's see it only took say... 10 days to get around to acknowledging I had been given an award....so... if I take ten days per person to let them know they've won the award... I should be through by mid to late May?


Idaho Dad said...

Thanks for including me on that list!!

April said...

Yes! One down! Now, if everyone else will just kindly visit my blog in the next few days my job will be done.

I know it's a shame to be this darn lazy, but I am what I am.

BTW Phil you are so welcome.

Anonymous said...

Thank you my dear friend. I look forward to checking out your other picks' blogs! :)