Twin Lakes Dairy Farm

This month our field trip was to a Dairy farm. Twin Lakes is a grass based dairy farm. This is good because the cows only come up twice a day to milk. They are not confined all the time. They have 2000 milking jersey cows, a few good bulls and currently about 500 calves! The main dairy building is on 500 acres but they have their cows spread out on 2,500 acres. It took us about 3 hours for the full tour. I felt a little sorry for the owner, Laurie Hannon. She was a wealth of information and very patient. We Moms had a million good questions for her. The kids however only had eyes for the cows, calves, open fields and best of all the HAY BALES!!!!! I know that the kids had a blast and Laurie claims it was good fun for her and her workers too. So, I'd say the Dairy Farm was a win/win situation.

We were able to see the containers the milk is stored in until the truck comes to pick it up, the cows being milked, the cows in the feed line, the newborn baby calves, the older calves in their hutches, the older cows enjoying the grass in the field, and we also caught the truck while it was there to pick up milk.

Huge drum of foamy fresh milk! Yum!

Aww... a newborn. They were so sweet.
Some would even try to suck on your fingers!

Mom, Can I have a hay bale for Christmas?

Got Milk? Cliche I know, but in this post
don't you think it just had to be said somewhere?


MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Fun! My boys would be the same way-- all over those hay bales! And probably trying to feed the cows things that cows should not be eating.

I hope you had a hairnet on when you were taking a picture of the big thing of milk. When we went to a local cheese factory (totally boring for kids, by the way) they thought it was the funniest thing to have to wear hairnets. Especially my boys since they really don't have much hair!

Hope you have a wonderful week, April!