Bulletin Board

Way back when, when I first started homeschooling Cecil brought home this really nice bulletin board for absolutely free. Naturally I was over joyed. Oh I was going to keep it decorated so cute! I would display all the children's precious work. I just knew I'd buy all kinds of wonderful seasonal decor to put on it! Then I became a real homeschool mom. I came back down to earth. Needless it say it often goes several months with no change at all. I really do at least try to keep it seasonal but not necessarily with all the great "store bought" bulletin board decorations from the teaching store.

However, this week I decided it was just a shame to have something so great in my reach and not utilize it. Yes, we've updated our bulletin board. And you are here for the great unveiling. Don't you feel so blessed to be here for this grand event?

To the left is Emily's Thanksgiving Theme.
To the right is Brandon's Ancient Egypt Theme.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's much more interesting than MY bulletin board! All it has are some Chuck E Cheese pictures, a calendar, an old business card to something, and last year's calendar of events for our church homeschool group.

Exciting, I know. The kids feel the same way about it.