Completely Random

Just a couple of completely random thoughts this morning:

1. It really cracks me up the way that us buying my husband a grill with the change the kids and I had been saving up has really changed him. He used to fuss and fume about the way we stole change and how not a nickel could be set down with out us snatching it up. Now he leaves his change on the dresser for us every day! LOL

2. The other day I was reading one of my favorite blogs and the writer was joking around about even the flags in Texas being bigger. She went on about the huge honking American Flags that our car lots have. It cracked me up not only because the funniest things are those that are true but because my husband just attached two big ol' flags to the front of our house (one American and one Christian). I pointed out that we didn't have a Texas flag and he said that I was right and he'll see about getting one ASAP! LOL


Anonymous said...

I think that is so sweet about him leaving the change out for y'all now.

My hubby puts his change in a piggy bank for me. This is usually reserved for my own personal clothes shopping sans any guilt when I visit my sister in New York City. *sigh* Speaking of which, a fall visit would be nice...

I remember that flag post! It is SO true. We have an American flag flying in the front, but no TX or Christian one... yet...