How I Started to Home School

As I said before ... my son went to public school for K and 1st grade. My husband thought I should home school and I didn't think I was smart enough, or had enough patience. I also was under the illusion that my son wouldn't listen to me because kids always seem to listen to other adults better than their parents. (I'm not the only one that thinks that, right?)

After many unpleasant experiences with the PS system I decided to trust my hubby, myself, and my Lord and at least attempt to home school. I started a few weeks before Bran's 2nd grade school year in case I ended up putting him in PS after all.

I joined a couple of home school support groups, hunted down other home school moms to question them, and went to the library to check out books.

My first homeschooling experiment was with a little book on dragon flies. We read the book and then went outside to look for them. We talked about the difference between damsel flies and dragon flies. When we were through my son asked if he could make a dragon fly. He gathered up stuff around the house.... Paper towel roll, hair spray lid, tennis ball, glue straw, construction paper. Then he made a dragon fly model and labeled it Head, Thorax, and abdomen!

After that I was sold! I would just figure it out. So, off we went down the yellow brick road on our home school adventure. It's so funny that when I started I thought... we'll try it. If it doesn't work I'll just put him back in school. I tried to make sure I covered everything that he would in "real" school in case he had to go back. ROFLOL My kids go to PS? No Way!!!! They are MY kids and I'm going to raise, love, protect, and teach them!

Go April, Go April, Teach your children, you can do it!