November American Girl Book Club

A girl of Depression-era America and Kit Kittredge's best friend.

Ruthie loves fairy tales-and happy endings. She'd also love to help Kit, whose family is struggling through the Great Depression. When Ruthie learns the Kittredges are having trouble paying the mortgage on their house, she decides to find a way to reach Kit's Aunt Millie in hopes of creating a real-life happy ending.

This month's AG Book Club meeting was really cool because we had a surprise field trip to the museum next door to the library which was built in 1904. The lovely lady who guided us started working there when it was the Tyler Library in the early 1940's. Not only that she used that library when she was a school child. Her name is Mary Jane and she was about 4 foot tall and packed with wit and knowledge. I absolutely fell in love with her on sight. This building was crammed packed, every inch with historical paraphernalia! However, some of my favorite things was the simple. Like the steps into the building were worn in the middle to a sway shape from the years of feet going in and out. I still say the best gem in building was Mary Jane herself. Wonderful story teller! I took lots of pictures of neat things but I'm going to refrain from posting all of them and just post a few of what took us to the museum in the first place which was the 1930's kitchen set up to show the girls, "No, really... they really did use stuff like this!" LOL

Opps, the photos don't exactly line up
for a perfect full shot of the room.
But you get the idea.

Ok, I had to post one of Mary Jane.
Isn't she precious!

PS. I you haven't seen the Kit Kittredge movie yet you soooo should!