Mystery Snail Eggs
We've been waiting and waiting and finally the magic day came! I went to feed the fish Saturday morning and what to my wandering eyes appear? But a tiny little egg clutch! Yeah and Hooray! One of our snails crawled up to the top of the aquarium and laid her eggs. Now we just got to wait... hope the eggs stay out of the water but stay moist enough not to dry out ..... and in 2 to 4 weeks we can have anywhere from 30 to 100 baby snails! SO COOL! I mean so cool it might be KEWL!
Honestly, what is more nerdy than a homeschool mom with an egg clutch to show off?
These are our three snails. One on glass, one on tree, one in rocks. Two are blue mystery snails and one is a golden snail. We had 2 of each but one of our golden snails suffered from an unfortunate incidence. I have no idea who Mommy and Daddy are but aren't they cuties!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Around the House
what lighting do they like
Just an FYI... According to the people at PetSmart, snails don't need a mommy and a daddy. You can get eggs when you only have one snail in your tank. They are their own best friends. But I have a blue mystery and a golden and one ust laid eggs. If I don't want them but don't want to kill them, what do I do w/ the eggs??
FYI the people at PetSmart were wrong. Most snails are their own best friends. However, Mystery or Apple snails have to have a mate.
If you don't want them (the eggs) your only option is to find someone that does or throw the eggs away as soon as they are laid. I know that sounds soooooooo cruel but once you have a couple hundred or so it becomes so much easier to do.
About the lighting.... just regular like is on an aquarium.
PS I just want to amend to say that you could have eggs with just one snail if it was pregnanted at the store before you bought it....stuff like that happens all the time.
I just noticed my snail laid a pod of eggs, but i didn't realize till after i added water to my tank.
there is a space about half an inch between the pod and the water.. Should I take more water out or will they be fine to hatch?
Thank U
This is so funny that I posted this nearly a whole year ago and still get comments. LOL
To answer your question the eggs need to stay moist with out actually getting wet. When the water is so close the to eggs any place the water washes up or gets splashed and the wet eggs will die. I would recommend keeping an inch of space between the eggs and the water level just to play it safe.
Ugh!! A little water splashed on the bottom.but I took out a good inch of water...I hope they dont die =(
Wow, you just never know what you're going to learn on these blogs! I almost bought my son one of these. I hope all goes well! Congrats!
This pod looks exactly like mine, and I have 4 mystery snails (golden, blue, black, and white). Although this is the first time I've seen a pod of eggs, there have been baby snails for a long time. It seems like there is contantly more baby snails. As cruel as it sounds this is great for my tank as it serves as a good food system: The snails hatch, my crabs catch and ingest a few, so do my corys and loaches, and I still never have a shortage of snails in there. It makes a lot of sense that they lay so many eggs!
The main concern is, this pod is 3 or 4 inches above the waterline in my tank. I have a glass-top aquarium, so I think it will stay moist enough. Do you agree or would you say I should add some more water?
My one snail laid eggs last Sunday then again in Thursday Then again on Friday. I hope she is done but I don't think so becausee she is hanging around the top again.
A friend used to have African Land Snails and they are both genders, and reproduce on their own. She used to freeze all the eggs to kill them....I am worried that if I just took out my Apple Snail eggs and put them in the bin that they would hatch, which would be cruel...should I freeze them? I have my first pod of eggs after introducing a second snail to my beloved Sid (who's turned out to be a girl) and want to have one batch to experience babies, and have new homes for them waiting... but I don't want more babies after that! Whats the most humane way of getting rid of them?
We have had our mystery snails for a month or two now, when I bought them, the lady who worked in the fish department of the fish store told us that the snails would most likely have babies and described the egg clutch and all, but she told us the eggs had to remaid in the water or they would dry out and die. Well, we've been scaping them off the roof to keep them in the water. I feel so mad for not doing the research myself!!! Well, now I know and I'll leave the eggs be, and hopefully, we'll be the proud grandparents of baby mystery snails!!! :~)
If you googled mystery snail reproduction i'm sure you would instantly find that they are
Meaning they do not need a second party to reproduce. This is a trick of biology, where the individual posses both a male and female gamete producing organ (produces both sperm and egg) and in the case of not being able to find an adequate mate, will carry on its own genetics. Young produced in this manner are almost genetically identical to the parent.
Once again for Mr. Google it, MOST snails are their own best friends. BUT having HAD these snails and STUDIED them directly.(yes I can google too) I think I KNOW what I am saying when I am say this type of snail does indeed come in male and female.
Snail eggs are fun to watch and wait to hatch. Never get them wet as the little ones will drowned in there egg. They have to be kept warm and humid for high hatching rate. I use a small container and put about an inch of water in it and put the clutch on a flat surface but it has to be where the water level is below the eggs and then cover it up you can use plastic wrap and that way you can keep a watch on the make sure the water level stays the same if some evaporates then add some to bring water level back up. Mine ususally hatch in 2 weeks one time they hatched in a week and a half.
I have a mystery snail that we added to an established tank about 2-3 months ago. It's the only thing I added and nothing else has been added since. I've tried to be careful about adding live things to the aquarium, I trying to keep out any "garbage" snails. This morning I noticed a very small snail in our tank. it's shell somewhat resembles the shell of our mystery snail and is smaller than a pencil erasure. I've cleaned the tank a few times since getting our snail, and am surprised I didn't vacuum out the new snail at some point since it is so small. I'm not sure that our mystery snail laid eggs since I never found a cluster and I'm not finding any other babies, and I'm not sure the tetras and danios would have eaten any siblings. Anyone have any ideas where my new "mystery" snail may have come from?
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